If you notice the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) light lit up on your dashboard, it likely means that one or more of your tires is under-inflated. Your TPMS will alert lower tire pressure conditions before the problem escalates so that you can avoid a slow, flat tire or even a full-blown tire blowout.
No driver wants to be stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire, embarrassing as it can be. That's why it's important to know what the TPMS light on your dashboard means and what you should do when it comes on.
The TPMS light is generally shaped like an exclamation point inside of a U-shaped tire, with an arrow pointing counter-clockwise. If you see this light, the TPMS is telling you that at least one of your tires has an air pressure that is below the 'target pressure' set in the TPMS software. The primary cause of a low tire pressure condition is typically a slow leak in the tire, which might require an immediate tire pressure check.
The most effective way to troubleshoot a tire pressure problem is to enlist the help of a professional auto repair shop. They can examine your tires for any additional signs of wear and tear and determine if your tires are safe to get back on the road.
To help ensure the safety of your vehicle, your auto repair shop may recommend a tire rotation, which wears the tread of your tires more evenly and can extend the life of your tires. Routine tire rotations are a necessary part of regular maintenance.
If your TPMS light is flashing, it's time to seek out professional help. Please don't wait until it's too late, and don't risk your family's safety by attempting to diagnose yourself.
If you need tire services or TPMS repair, contact the expert team at Toole's Garage in Stockton for help. With fast, efficient, and friendly service, you can get back on the road in no time.